The 5 Secrets About Amazon Listing Only A Handful Of People Know
The success mantra of Amazon Listing services lies in how well your products rank in customer searches. The best ways to motivate consumers to buy your product while still meeting the Amazon listing guidelines is a balancing act only the most successful Amazon sellers know. Here is how they do it. Here is how to get them ranking higher.
Most forget Amazon itself is a search engine. The first is that Amazon does all the heavy lifting for you. Once Amazon sees your product as a profitable part of its catalog it will begin to promote your product through re-targeted ads, email marketing, and “Customers Also Bought…” ads.
Secondly, like Google Amazon is also a keyword-based platform. If you have your product target the keywords (this can be done both in the title and the backend keyword section) that generate sales this will give you great leverage when it comes to organic sales. There is a direct relationship between where your product is located in the keyword results – to how many sales it garners.
Here are 5 Secrets about Amazon Listing Only A Handful Of People Know:
- Make the product great: Ok so let’s get obvious out the way. Amazon ranks products based on sales, reviews, and interactions, so the best way to win on Amazon is to make sure your product is genuinely good. Good products mean repeat purchases which show the algorithm your product sales are sustainable.
- Market to niches, not trends: Fads and sudden ‘must have’ items tend to disappear from the shelf as quickly as they appeared in the first place. Rather than chasing after ‘next big thing’ products, think about how you can stock ‘me too’ products. These are items which spread their own worth through word of mouth and become regular staples in the cupboard.
- Negotiate hard with suppliers: On Amazon, the price point is extremely important so you need to work out what your optimal selling point is. Key to being able to push your price is negotiating hard with your suppliers.
- Explore the ‘Fulfillment by Amazon’ offering: Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service which lets you grow and sell on Amazon without taking on lots more logistical responsibility. Essentially, this service means you store stock in an Amazon fulfillment center (a big warehouse) and when someone orders, they do all the packaging and postage – you just pay a fee.
Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) tips:
- If your product is under approx 1kg, this service is often cheaper than hosting your own storage and distribution.
- With FBA you get an Amazon Prime badge which is, of course, a bonus for your audience.
- The downside, you can’t personalize your packaging.
- You can also use this service on 3rd party websites (called Amazon multi-channel fulfillment) like your own brand page, eBay etc – again, all boxes will be Amazon branding, however.
Presentation counts: Make sure your product shots look amazing and the information holds everything the buyer may want. This extra info can also help save problem in the future. For example in case of a jeweler like a chain, making sure to lists the chain length. Another tip is to identify your frequently asked questions and pop the answers in the info.
Data Entry Adroits, we are a team of highly experienced data entry experts delivering a complete gamut of business process outsourcing services and solutions, including eCommerce Product Management, eCommerce Product Listing, Amazon Product Listing, eBay Product Listing, Data Entry Services & Management, eCommerce Development Services, Photo Editing Services, SEO Content Writing, Internet Marketing and Dedicated Hiring Solutions.